The Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club is dedicated to Providing a Physically and Emotionally Safe Environment for Recovering Drug Addicts, Alcoholics and all those affected by the Disease of Addiction. We are a Non-Profit, 501(c)(3) organization providing space for 12- Step programs of all types. We are focused on providing our community with a proven solution of Recovery. We proudly offer the people of our community a place for People in Recovery to Help People in Recovery. The strong therapeutic value of one person in recovery, helping another person in recovery to solve their common problem is a success beyond measure.
The Tehachapi Mountain Alano Club is a Safe Haven for 12-Step Groups. Providing a Physically and Emotionally Safe Environment for Recovering Drug Addicts, Alcoholics and all those affected by the Disease of Addiction. We gather together to share our Experience, Strength and Hope with each other, to share our common bond. People able to achieve and maintain, One Day at A time; A Life Free from the Grips of Alcohol and Drugs
Tehachapi Mnt Alano Club
President - Jim W.
303 378-4708
Vice President - Jon H.
Secretary - Kim V.
Treasure - Matt H.
Site Facilitator - Rick M.
Purchasing - Bob S.